Saturday, February 20, 2016

Kent's Excuse #10: Too Many People!

There's actually a lot to explain here:
Firstly, I've been given the okay to start animating the first Housepets! Animated Web Series episode. That'll be coming out within the coming week or two.

Secondly: As seen on twitter, I released a concept sheet for a 3D model of Crash Bandicoot, announcing that I'll be doing something for Crash's 20th Anniversary like a few other game developers. It won't be anything big like a new HD Crash game or something like that, but it'll just be a small little "thank you" game in my own style. I'll probably be re-making some of my favorite levels from the first game in the GGMaker engine. The game should release September 8th (obviously), which is hopefully around the release of DTH

Thirdly: I've figured out what Pili is going to be as a game, and have drawn a few concepts and done a bit of writing for it. I plan on beginning development on the game after Diggy the Huskey is released this year. Either that, or it will begin development in 2017 in hopes of releasing it that year.

Fourthly: Diggy the Huskey is moving along in development as usual, nothing to report there really.

Fifthly: I've decided to hold back on Threadbound's development until I've gotten everything figured out for it. It's un-doubtably going to be the biggest game I've made, so I want to take my time and only work on it when I'm ready to. It's release date is still looking very distant. For now, I'll just be going over some ideas and details with D-Rock and see what we can come up with. And then there's Housepets!: Tails of Babylon... that thing is everywhere right now. x3

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